I looked into Harvard again recently. After writing my first blog entry here, my imagination got going and I had to indulge :) I discovered that Harvard has a Divinity School and an Arts & Sciences School that carry PhD programs. Yay! So as I develop my idea for a PhD, I can refer to the programs and the professors they have to guide me.
The Divinity school has a Summer Language Program beginning mid-July through mid-August. It looks really interesting, just what I have been wanting in my Bible reading lately. Simply more. They have a requirement that you are basically literate in 2 of the following languages: Spanish, French, German. I had two semesters of French in high school and I now have a friend that speaks fluently. :) I had one semester of Spanish in college and spent a couple of weeks in Costa Rica living with a host family 2 summers in a row. Immersion helped tremendously. Plus I have a few bests that can speak it fluently as well. I think I could make this (reading comprehension of Spanish and French) happen by next summer...maybe :)

Back to the reason why I would like to participate in this Summer Language Program: Calvary Chapel, where I have been since last November, teaches through the Bible and brings all the history and context for the books as well as some Greek translations in the New Testament. It has opened a whole new world for me basically in reading the Bible. I feel I am reading history instead of story after story. I am beginning to make connections. Example: Thessalonians was one of the first books I learned about at Calvary. It's a letter to the church in Thessalonica, written by Paul, delivered by Timothy. A few weeks ago I was reading Acts which goes through Paul's conversion and his missionary journeys. I read the passage where he first meets Timothy and was so excited to make that connection. "Yay! Here's where he meets Timothy who will later be going to Thessalonica on his behalf and encouraging the church there!" And then after I finished Acts, I went into Romans, which I have read through a couple of times before. However, this time when I was reading I was taking into account all the traveling Paul had done before writing this introduction letter of himself to the Romans. And I was putting together the fact that he didn't know then that it would be another 3 years before he would see them...It's the simplest of connections that are making me so interested in reading right now. And many people may already know of these things, but this is where I am currently...
I don't want to get in the habit of making apologies because it will cause me to dread writing on here, BUT, and there is a "but", - what movie? :) - I am extremely mentally exhausted right now and I hope what I have written 1) Makes sense. 2) Doesn't have awful grammar - which I am sure it does.
I recently moved into a new position at work and today was a bit frantic for me. I am now taking on the role of "Executive Assistant" and am so excited! It is challenging, but I like a challenge. I am looking forward to learning how to best do the job. Today was a bit rough. There were items I wanted to complete today, but I didn't have the opportunity. What's great about this opportunity is that it will allow me to remain where I am until The Gallery I was in last season plans a new exhibit for the 2010-2011 season...AND this opportunity will force me to learn valuable organizational skills that will follow me and assist me through my PhD ;)
Anywho. I am tired. Must go now.
Not positive that "je suis fatigué" is the correct French translation, but it's a start...